Sunday, August 19, 2012

Chinese directives, Chinese Chess, Chinese Chefs, and Chinese Culture

My last post includes funny translations, some Chinese chefs for Erik to see, groups playing Chinese chess, and other pics. Thanks for checking out my posts!

That's right

Hitting the streets

 No climbing and the guy climbing

 Naked bellies are ok.

 Kinda wish these weren't translated....GROSS!

 Grandmas playing chess 

 Rolling across the took him awhile


 Glimpse in the kitchen

 Grandpa chess game, from the outside

Grandpa chess game, from the inside


At 5:00 AM , Blogger J. Ely said...

awesome post bobbo... actually though, i am coming at ya wit a correction. those grannies arent playing chess, they are playing mahjong!

At 5:08 AM , Blogger J. Ely said...

oh shiznit! that was kath wit the posts! nice work little sis! i was wondering what was going to happen to the belly shots... everytime i see a 'generals stomach' around chiner i always think of you.

At 8:58 AM , Blogger HiggINs4U said...

Scorpion, spider, cicada, silkworm, sheep whip and hippocampus kabobs! Get 'em while they're hot!


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